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The Beginning

This is the beginning of my Django project. I  have decided that first, I will work on the Django part making my server working and then I will work on the user interface using REACT. As I have just started, I am highly confused about what kind of models to be used how my user profiles must look like etc. For making a successful website or any other project in that case, these initial thinking play a vital role as if not done at an early stage of a project, it becomes very hard to make some minimal changes when you have written a sufficient amount of code. As a human, I learn from my own mistakes and for those who are thinking about what makes me so sure that it is difficult to make changes later own, this statement is the answer.
 For those who are new to Django or even to programming, Models are the way you represent your data in Django. These contain important information such as how many fields are there, what kind of data is represented in each and every field. Django is a self-sufficient framework and will use this information further when needed.
Frameworks like Django provide us with something called ORM which is also called Object-Relational Mapping. These are the interface or the middleware between the Django application and the Database. In this project, I am planning to use MySQL DB which is a relational database. The data in a relational database are represented in the form of tables and each table contains data about various components of the App such as  Userdata, credential data etc

In my project, I have decided to divide my project into two apps.
Accounts: which takes care about the user profile creation and features related to it such as authentication and authorisation.
Posts:  This takes care about the user posts, likes, comments and features related to it

As creating a project like this requires an incremental way of doing it, I will begin with some basic functionalities and then start adding more interesting features to it. For example first, the posts of the user can be seen by all and later on we'll be having a feature where the user gets the update from the people who they follow. We may also look into some current features such as infinite scroll etc as we progress further.

To do all this we have to begin, hence I am starting my project and will be blogging about various updates I do in my plan and problems I faced while doing so.

Stay tuned for further updates 😜


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