In the last post, we discussed the error I have got and how I overcame those. In this blog, we will see how I dealt with AJAX. To begin with, all of you have used some social media like facebook, Instagram etc and all of them have some things in common. One of them is the like feature. Yow can like anything you find useful, fun or interesting. That simple "like" feature. Many of the normal users don't observe this actually, they don't have to observe this but whenever you hit the like button or double-tap in Instagram and the information that you liked that post is sent to the server, saved in the databases and some indication is given to you as well, so that you know that you have liked this post. All of this happens without the page getting reloaded. This sounds like usual stuff to the normal people but it's not as simple as it looks like. Not for an amateur web developer who has just started with web developing Generally, if we wish to make a get request to ...